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One day as I was before the Lord, He said the word, Prepare." We all know what the prepare means. Just in case, it means to make something ready for use or consideration, to make someone ready, or able to do or deal with something, or to make willing to do something. I believe the Lord is calling us, the church, to make ourselves ready for what He is ready to do in our lives. I believe that this upcoming year will be a year where many of us who have made ourselves ready to be used by Holy Spirit will experience and see greater manifestations of the goodness and glory of God in our lives and in the lives of those who will hear, believe, accept, and apply the Gospel of Grace in the everyday life. As 2019 comes to a close, seek the Lord for His perfect plan for your life in 2020. I'm expecting, with a joyful and thankful heart, greater things for myself, my family, my friends, and the church. I pray that the eyes and ears of your understanding will be fully open to see and hear what Holy Spirit is saying to you. In Jesus name, Amen. Read and meditate on the following scriptures: Mathew 6:1-34; Romans 1:15-17; 2Timothy 2:15

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